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Smile Makeover

A smile makeover is a cosmetic dental treatment

A smile makeover can give you the following benefits:

A smile makeover generally

Smile makeover considerations

Tooth color

the shade of your teeth is an important consideration during the evaluation phase of a smile makeover. If your teeth are discolored and stained, Smile Makeover treatments, veneers or composite bonding can be used to restore their color.

Alignment and spacing

teeth that are crooked, overlapping of having gaps in between can be straightened and fixed through orthodontics.

Missing teeth

Dental implants, bridges, or partial dentures can resolve the problem of missing teeth as it negatively impacts your overall appearance and oral health if left untreated.

Fuller lips, smile, and cheeks

Orthodontic procedures can help you achieve better appearance to answer your problem on having an unshapely or aging face.
Dr. Sajid attending patient
Sweet Water Family Dentisty team
Sweet Water Family Dentistry

Sweet Water Family Dentistry is here to make you smile.