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The Advantages of Fixed Dentures – Lithia Springs, GA

BY sweet water family dentistry

Dentures have always been the solution for tooth loss. However, patients nowadays prefer a fixed and stable appliance that can make them feel more confident with their restored teeth. Thankfully, the emergence of dental implants made this highly possible.

Gone were the days when people worry about slipping, breaking, and uncomfortable dentures. We at Sweet Water Family Dentistry now offer Fixed Dentures! We understand how vital teeth are for the overall health of a person, their proper speech, and appearance as well, that is why we took advantage of modern dentures supported by implants to offer the ideal treatment for our patients.

Advantages of Fixed Dentures


One of the leading problems with the traditional denture is it tends to slip or change in shape over time due to the alteration of the jawbone. With implants, patients are assured that the appliance will stay in place at all times since it is properly secured. Wearers are free to eat the foods they love and speak without any worries of getting embarrassed.


Dentists take impressions of the gums and any remaining teeth as these will serve as the model for the fake teeth to be created. Once the denture is attached to the implants, other people would not notice any difference between the prosthesis and natural teeth.

Firm placement

Dental implants made of titanium are placed on the jawbone surgically. Believe it or not, titanium post forms a natural bond with the bone, promoting its growth. The occurrence is referred to as osseointegration which is highly vital for the success of dental implants. These posts placed will act as the anchors for the placement of the dentures.

Easy chewing

New denture wearers often encounter the problem of learning how to chew with the appliance on. It can be a challenge since it requires chewing on both sides of the mouth to make sure that the dentures would not slip. Fixed dentures, on the other hand, allow patients to eat as they normally do without any worries.

Ready to give your smiles a second chance? Contact us at Sweet Water Family Dentistry for our Dentures in Lithia Springs, GA! We are located at 1515 Westfork Dr., Suite A, Lithia Springs, GA 30122.

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