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Improve Your Quality of Your Natural-Looking Smile with Dental Implants, Lithia Springs

BY sweet water family dentistry

Most people who are missing teeth might feel embarrassed because of the same. They might also have a very low self-esteem and confidence to present themselves in social circles. If you are one of those people who is missing their natural teeth, you might encounter problems with looking or appearing older than you are, and you would be covering your mouth or might be too conscious to smile in public. In this case, you would require teeth/ dental restorations. Dental restorations can vary from dental bridges to dentures. But what suits most of the people is Dental implants. Dental implants are a widely popular option and a better solution to give you a healthy smile that you have been missing, with the same effect and naturality. They not only give you your dental aesthetics back but also they give you your self-esteem and your confidence back.

Dental implants are teeth and dental restoration which can support one or more of your restorative artificial teeth. The implants are usually made out of a certain biocompatible dental material, with proper teeth roots which are screwed over or fixed in place of the missing teeth. These titanium made restorations are going to provide a strong and healthy foundation for the future dental restorations- be it dental crowns or bridges. They are permanently fixed to your titanium made implants. Together they make your dental implants look as well as feel exactly like your natural teeth, with all the strength brought back.

Dental implants are usually a treatment which is undergone in your local dental clinic, while you are under sedatives/local anesthesia. Depending on how severe your dental damage is the procedure may be simple or complicated. The more complicated the procedure, the more amount of sedatives you require. It also depends on every person, how the dental treatment shall be undergone on them. Once you dental implants surgery is completed, you would encounter a little amount of postoperative pain, which can be dealt with if necessary measures and proper medication are taken.


There are numerous benefits of dental implants. If done correctly, the success rate is very high.

  • The dental implants are to be fitted directly inside your jaw and gums, because of which there is no form of a recession of your jaw and gum line.
  • Dental implants are the most natural looking dental surgeries, and hence people would not know you have undergone a dental treatment.
  • Dental implants act as a stabilizing agent when it comes to stabilizing your dentures. Most people encounter problems and embarrassing situations when it comes to your dentures. However, these problems can be encountered if you undergo the treatment for dental implants as well.
  • They are not only going to improve your facial and dental appearance but are also going to improve your speech problems as well.
    They are bound to give you a better oral health.
  • You will have the ability to clean your teeth properly
  • Dental implants will result in better digestion of food and hence are going to give you an improved overall health.
  • Along with improving your confidence and self-esteem, they are going to improve the quality of your life.

Consult our trusted team of dental care providers to know more about dental implants. Book your appointments, call us- (770) 824-4825. Or visit us- Lithia Springs Family Dentistry. 1515 Westfork Dr, Lithia Springs, GA 30122.

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