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Dental 101: Facts About the Teeth Worth Knowing

BY sweet water family dentistry

The teeth are small yet very intriguing. The fact that people can bite on ice or nuts and open bottles without breaking them instantly is a wonder. Everyone should be thankful for these little white warriors because they are the ones who helped with one’s development since infancy, to teenage years and adulthood. Are you getting more curious about the teeth? We at Sweet Water Family Dentistry got it covered! Here are some facts about these little white wonders.


The reason why people can bite on hard foods without breaking their teeth is due to its surface. Believe it or not, the enamel is actually the hardest substance in the human body. Despite this fact, the teeth can still be subject to damage, especially if a person does not practice proper oral habits.


There is a reason why police departments often use dental records to recognize someone; it is because teeth are like fingerprints. Every person’s bite, as well as teeth shape, size, position, and even cavities are unique! That is why smiles are very special.

Thirty-two teeth

The maximum number of teeth that a normal adult can get is 32. But there are cases where others can have fewer teeth than normal, a condition referred to as hypodontia.

Baby teeth

Even before a baby is born, the primary teeth are already present below the gums. There are also cases of babies being born with erupted teeth!


The portion of the teeth that are visible are only two thirds, but it is a good thing since the part that lies in the gums is partly responsible for keeping it stable and healthy.

Sets of teeth

A person can only have two sets of teeth in their lifetime, primary and adult teeth. Normally, as primary teeth fall out, the adult teeth are to replace it. Unfortunately, once the adult teeth are compromised, there will be no other natural replacement. It would require the person to seek a restorative procedure to get a complete set of pearly whites. Thankfully, we at Sweet Water Family Dentistry have a solution that is the closest to natural teeth—dental implants!

Dental implants are a type of restoration that replaces both the visible portion of the teeth and its supporting structure which are the roots. The titanium implant is surgically placed in the jaw bone to serve as roots and anchors for the placement of prostheses. Depending on the number of missing teeth, a dental bridge, crown, or dentures will be custom-crafted to provide a natural look and feel that patients can confidently show off.

Aiming to restore your teeth as natural as it was before? Contact us to know more about Dental Implants in Lithia Springs, GA, or to schedule your appointment with Sweet Water Family Dentistry.

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